the innovative platform for workflow and business process management
Livemote is an application suite available on both iOS and Android devices, that allows you to:
Want to try the full power of Livemote? Request access to the
free version and empower your field operators
Livemote comes with three ready-to-use solutions
The right toolkit for easily dealing with on the move tasks, allowing end-users to autonomously conducting and positively concluding various activities. The self-solve module provides the right documentation and a digitalized step-step flow to follow, besides tracking, archiving and generating reports automatically.
A suite of features for coordinating remote collaborations. The remote assistant module allows you to manage tasks from anywhere in the world with advanced real-time and augmented communication tools such as chat and AR solutions, whether you are providing assistance or monitoring a task in the field.
is an innovative platform based on an advanced digital toolkit for managing complex business workflow, tracking tasks and facilitating remote collaboration
Every company manages remote tasks and processes , with both internal and external staff.
Reducing intervention times, di intervento, tracking activities e decreasing errors are issues that every modern company must address to remain competitive in the global market.
A unique dashboard, updated in real-time and easy to consult, essential for monitoring intervention progress and duration, analysing statistics, making forecasts and evaluating the performance of on-field activities.
Nemo nibh, condimentum autem ligula ultricies, velit, sociosqu eos voluptatibus modi, porttitor natoque proin proident! Facilisis dapibus convallis molestie fugit, taciti! Itaque! Pharetra alias, animi consectetur? Autem cupidatat incidunt nec! Voluptates illo! Voluptas ligula sodales curabitur.
Characteristics that make Livemote unique on the international scene. The perfect solution for every business focused on the digital transition
Livemote è un process manager di nuova generazione che utilizza interfacce utente e metafore di utilizzo già note.
Non basta una fotografia statica per risolvere processi complessi. Solo la realtà aumentata può farlo
Mr. Livemote permette di seguire flussi di lavoro personalizzati (worflow) durante un intervento sul campo.
Livemote permette di avere sempre a portata di mano la giusta documentazione, di ricercarla in modo semplice e di consultarla in mobilità
Livemote Enterprise è uno strumento flessibile in grado di essere customizzato sulle esigenze del cliente integrato con altre piattaforme software presenti in azienda
più utilizzi livemote e più l’intelligenza artificiale impara e consiglia
Livemote is a new generation process management software based on the most common user interfaces.
The Livemote chatbot allows you to follow customised workflows during a field intervention.
Livemote allows you to always have the right documentation at hand, to search for it easily and to consult it on the move.
Do you have any questions about our products and services? Do you want to know more about Livemote? We are here to help you
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